
Issues: 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15
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Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Fomitopsis pinicola growing on coniferous and deciduous substrates

Irina S. Kiseleva (1)*,  Alexander A. Ermoshin (1, 2), Boris A. Galishev (1),
Duan Shen (3), Chaomei Ma (3), and Jiangfeng He (2)

1. Ural Federal University, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Russia. *E-mail:
2. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science, 232813,
Hohhot, China.
3. Inner Mongolia University, 010031, Hohhot, China.


Xylotrophic fungi are widespread in all types of forests. The composition of their primary and secondary metabolites including biologically active compounds depends on species and growth substrate; therefore, fungi can become a valuable raw material for biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and food industry. Fomitopsis pinicola is one of the common species in Russia and Europe, growing predominantly on Pinus sylvestris L., but in mixed forests of the Urals it is also found on Betula pendula Roth. As metabolism of angiosperms and gymnosperms, and their timber properties are different, growth substrate could affect the chemical composition of fungi fruit bodies; therefore our study aimed at metabolite composition of extracts, obtained from F. pinicola collected from birch and pine, and their antioxidant activity. Qualitative analysis revealed alkaloids, phenolics, and anthraquinones. Saponins were found only in the samples obtained from pine. Thin layer chromatography of extracts revealed the same qualitative composition of phenolics, but their amount was higher on birch – 4.2 mg g-1 then on pine – 3.1 mg∙g-1. In ABTS test extracts showed the same antiradical activity. The metabolomics profile obtained by UHPLC-MS totally revealed 116 compounds, and each fungi sample contained more than 70 of them. Thus, the type of substrate influenced on the profile of metabolites and quantitative composition in F. pinicola fruit bodies.

Received: 30 December 2021 / Accepted: 04 August 2022 / Available online: 26 September 2022

(Forestry Ideas, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2) [Download]
Downloads: 314

Influence of essential oil of Thymus pulegioides L. harvested in forest
area on Myzus persicae S. in tobacco and Apis mellifera L.

Zheko Radev

Tobacco and tobacco products institute, 4108 Markovo, Bulgaria. E-mail:


In laboratory conditions, the effect of Essential oil (EO) vapours from Thymus pulegioides L. against Myzus persicae S. on tobacco and Apis mellifera L. bees were tested. Aphids’ mortality increased when concentration increased. A low mortality of M. persicae of 9.7 % was reported at 0.5 μL∙L-1 air, at 1 μL∙L-1 air mortality was 31.6 %, and at 2 and 3 μL∙L-1 air mortality was 100 %. Concentration of 2 μL∙L-1 air was found to be the minimum which has maximum efficacy of 100 %. Differences between efficacy of various concentrations were found to be statistically significant. EO vapours tested at concentration of 2 μL∙L-1 air applied under the same conditions to A. mellifera showed 100 % toxicity to the bees as well. No mortality was reported in the control.

Received: 02 July 2022 / Accepted: 05 August 2022 / Available online: 26 September 2022

(Forestry Ideas, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2) [Download]
Downloads: 301

Impact of essential oil from Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb. ex Heuff. harvested from mountain area on Myzus persicae Sulzer in tobacco and Apis mellifera L.

Zheko Radev

Tobacco and tobacco products institute, 4108 Markovo, Bulgaria. E-mail:


Essential oil (EO) vapours from Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb. ex Heuff. were tested in laboratory conditions against Myzus persicae Sulzer in tobacco and Apis melifera L. Efficacy of 100 % against M. persicae at 3 μL∙L-1 air was established. Low efficacy of 17.6 % was found at 0.5 μL∙L-1 air, increasing to 71.3 % at concentration of 1 μL∙L-1 air, and reaching 95.3 % at 2 μL∙L-1 air. The concentration of 3 μL∙L-1 air applied under the same conditions to worker bees of A. mellifera rendered toxicity of almost one hundred per cent – 99.5 %, correspondingly. In the control group of bees, no mortality was established. The lifespan of bees depends on multiple factors and further studies are needed, also in field conditions.

Received: 05 July 2022 / Accepted: 22 August 2022 / Available online: 26 September 2022

(Forestry Ideas, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2) [Download]
Downloads: 345

Vegetation characteristic and carbon stock variation of mangrove forests in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia

Rafdinal (1)*, Adityo Raynaldo (2), and Eko Subrata (3)

1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University,
Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. *E-mail:
2. Department of Marine Science, OSO University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
3. Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat University,
Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.


Mangrove area is a transitional area with abundant natural resources, providing environmental services for coastal communities in regulating water systems, preventing seawater intrusion, as well as providing oxygen and carbon stock (C-stock). Comprehensive data of mangrove forests in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan province is very limited. This study aims to monitor the condition of mangrove forests and estimate their potential carbon stocks in Sambas Regency. There are six dominant mangrove species in Sambas Regency, namely Avicennia alba, A. marinaBruguiera cylindrica, B. gymnorrhiza, Lumnitzera littorea, and Rhizophora apiculata. Vegetation density varies from sparse to dense, ranging from 800–4700 trees per ha with a canopy cover of 55.00–86.63 %. The range of mangrove species diameter values is from 4.39 ±0.69 – 27.45 ±21.14 cm. Potential C-stock ranged from 7.17 ±0.32 – 546.67 ±70.83 Mg C∙ha-1 with an average of 130.62 ±166.34 Mg C∙ha-1. The highest potential of mangrove C-stock was found at the Sebubus location. Mangrove vegetation in this study has a high potential of carbon stock, the potential value close to Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan province, and higher than several mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia. In general, the condition of mangrove vegetation in this area is still good and has great potential for carbon stock. However, protection and sustainable use are needed in conserving the mangrove ecosystem in this area.

Received: 19 March 2022 / Accepted: 26 August 2022 / Available online: 26 September 2022

(Forestry Ideas, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2) [Download]
Downloads: 342

Age structure, growth rate and condition of Barbus petenyi (Cyprinidae) in the middle and upper stream of the Ogosta River

Vasil Kolev

Department of Wildlife Management, University of Forestry, 10 St. Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria. E-mail:


This is a study of length and weight growth of Romanian barbel from the middle and upper stream of the Ogosta River. Population parameters estimates were based on scale annual interpretation. The estimates were compared with growth data obtained in previous periods from other Bulgarian water courses. Methodologically, 100 individuals were collected by electrofishing in 2020. Specimens’ age ranged from 1 to 5 years. More than half of the sample was represented by one-year-old fish. Older fish were relatively few. The lengths of all sampled individuals ranged from 39 mm to 202 mm. A relationship between standard length (SL) and scale radius (S) was described by an equation: SL = 2.7077∙S, r2 = 0.9485, p < 0.005. A relationship between fish gutted weight (W) and SL was represented by an equation: W = 0.00002∙SL2.8936; r2 = 0.9956, < 0.005.

Received: 20 April 2022 / Accepted: 12 September 2022 / Available online: 26 September 2022

(Forestry Ideas, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2) [Download]
Issues: 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15